Anyone facing criminal charges needs an excellent attorney to defend them, and if a juvenile is involved, you need an attorney that understands the juvenile court system. The crimes that juveniles are typically involved in are often minor crimes, but they can still end up in court. If you want the best outcome, it is a good idea to hire an attorney to represent the juvenile in court.
Common Juvenile Crimes
Juvenile crimes are often the same crimes as adults, but the details of the crimes are often different. Here are some common juvenile crimes that can involve juveniles.
Theft or Larceny
Theft or larceny is the most common crime that juveniles face. Sometimes it is a shoplifting charge, and other times it may be something like stealing a bicycle or a backpack from another child. While the crime may seem minor, the court may see it as very serious. Depending on the dollar value or past offenses, the punishment for the offense could have potential jail time with a conviction.
Vandalism is another common crime involving kids. Many times, the crime may involve tagging a building, train car, or some other property, but it could also go as far as intentional damage to a car, a house, a public building, or just about anything else. Often, the kids may think vandalism seems trivial, but not to the court. A lawyer may be critical for the case to have a positive outcome.
Alcohol and Tobacco Crimes
It is not uncommon for kids to try things like smoking or drinking. While these aren't crimes in and of themselves, underage purchase of alcohol and tobacco is illegal. Often, charges for teen alcohol and tobacco use are a result of teens trying to purchase these items or get an adult to buy the things for them.
Hire the Right Attorney
Juvenile cases have a lot of very specific differences than adult cases. Because of these differences, you must hire an attorney with experience with the juvenile court system.
Most attorneys will talk with you about the case before they decide to take the case and let you know if they feel you have a good case and should fight it or not. In many cases, the attorney will not charge you for the initial consultation, but you need to check with the lawyer's office before assuming there will be no fee for the first visit.
Juvenile Rehabilitation
In the juvenile system, one big difference is the sentencing and punishments. The juvenile system seeks to rehabilitate the offender rather than punish them. If the system can turn the juvenile around and change their path, then they will hopefully not end up in the adult system later.
One way that the juvenile court system may try and rehabilitate the juvenile offender is to use alternatives sentences. They may use community service as a way to punish the crime without locking the child up in a cell with offenders that may be much more hardened than they are. Often, they will have to pay a fine or restitution as well.
If the crime is severe, the juvenile system may not try the case. If the case goes to the adult court, it is critical to have an attorney that can work between the two systems.
At The Kanehl Law Firm P.L.L.C., we have the experience to handle your juvenile case and even change gears should your case land in the adult system. Give us a call so we can set up an appointment to go over your case and determine if we are a good fit for you.
Phone : (580) 475-0070
Mobile : (580) 786-8122
Fax: (580) 786-5077
Address: 1111 West Willow Ave., Suite 200 Duncan, OK 73533